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Taylor & Francis精神病学与心理学领域重点期刊推荐

Publishes research on positive psychology, facilitation of well-being, and the professional application on states of optimal human functioning and fulfillment.

Citation Metrics

Impact Factor
3.4 (2023)
Impact Factor Best Quartile
5 year IF
4.6 (2023)
9.9 (2023)
CiteScore Best Quartile


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JCCAP publishes articles on intervention techniques for use with clinical child and adolescent populations, training in clinical psychology and child advocacy.

Citation Metrics

Impact Factor
4.2 (2023)
Impact Factor Best Quartile
5 year IF
5.0 (2023)
9.7 (2023)
CiteScore Best Quartile


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The Journal of Sex Research publishes research into the scientific study of sexuality, spanning the disciplines of psychology, education and allied health.

Citation Metrics

Impact Factor
2.7 (2023)
Impact Factor Best Quartile
5 year IF
3.9 (2023)
7.0 (2023)
CiteScore Best Quartile


Speed from submission to first decision (days)
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Journal Impact Factor CiteScore Open Access Mode
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 14.333 16.9 Open Select
Psychological Inquiry 9.917 4.9 Open Select
Educational Psychologist 4.475 14.3 Open Select
Journal of Positive Psychology 3.828 5.6 Open Select
Health Psychology Review 3.705 18.3 Open Select
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 3.656 7.3 Open Select
Work and Stress 3.634 5.8 Open Select
European Review of Social Psychology 3.333 6.6 Open Select
European Journal of Work & Organisational Psychology 2.882 5.2 Open Select
Applied Developmental Science 2.75 4 Open Select
Attachment & Human Development 2.656 4 Open Select
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 2.556 4 Open Select
Psychology and Health 2.534 4.2 Open Select
Cognition and Emotion 2.473 4.5 Open Select
International Gambling Studies 2.41 3.6 Open Select
Child Neuropsychology 2.405 4.5 Open Select
School Psychology Review Journal 2.3 3.2 Open Select
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 2.25 3.8 Open Select
Clinical Neuropsychologist 2.232 3.6 Open Select
Journal of Personality Assessment 2.185 5.5 Open Select
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 2.15 4.4 Open Select
Thinking and Reasoning 2.125 4.4 Open Select
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 2.106 3.7 Open Select
Ecological Psychology 2.063 2.6 Open Select
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 2.063 3.3 Open Select
Eating Disorders 2.013 3 Open Select
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 1.958 3.3 Open Select
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 1.925 4.1 Open Select
Memory 1.895 3.3 Open Select
Journal of Cognition and Development 1.869 3.5 Open Select
Self and Identity 1.797 3.2 Open Select
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 1.75 3.6 Open Select
Aphasiology 1.72 3.3 Open Select
Language Learning and Development 1.651 2.9 Open Select
Educational Psychology 1.586 4.1 Open Select
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 1.577 2.3 Open Select
The Journal of Psychology 1.548 2.9 Open Select
Applied Neuropsychology 1.488 3 Open Select
Developmental Neuropsychology 1.477 2.2 Open Select
Nordic Psychology 1.462 1.9 Open Select
Metaphor and Symbol 1.417 2 Open Select
Applied Neuropsychology: Child 1.293 2.4 Open Select
Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 1.281 2.8 Open Select
Journal of Motor Behavior 1.279 2.4 Open Select
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 1.265 1.8 Open Select
The Journal of Social Psychology 1.241 2.4 Open Select
Research In Human Development 1.222 3.6 Open Select
Psychology Crime and Law 1.193 3.1 Open Select
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 1.188 1.9 Open Select
Human Performance 1.172 2.5 Open Select
Parenting 1.156 2.7 Open Select
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 1.121 2.1 Open Select
Ethics & Behavior 1.12 2.2 Open Select
The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology 1.111 1.8 Open Select
Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation 1.108 2.4 Open Select
Visual Cognition 1.102 1.8 Open Select
Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 1.061 2.1 Open Select
Journal of Constructivist Psychology 1.036 1.8 Open Select
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 0.993 2.2 Open Select
Laterality 0.938 2.4 Open Select
The Journal of Genetic Psychology 0.923 1.7 Open Select
Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice 0.921 1.4 Open Select
Journal for the Study of Education and Development 0.907 1.5 Open Select
Neurocase 0.83 2 Open Select
Military Psychology 0.819 2 Open Select
Culture and Education 0.727 1.4 Open Select
Language Acquisition 0.725 2.3 Open Select
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 0.664 1.4 Open Select
Studies in Psychology 0.527 1.2 Open Select
International Journal of Social Psychology 0.519 0.9 Open Select
Social Influence 0.467 1.8 Open Select
Journal of Psychology in Africa 0.453 0.8 Open Select
The Journal of General Psychology 0.409 1 Open Select
Journal of the Learning Sciences 3.545 9.4 Open Select
Cognition and Instruction 3.3 4.8 Open Select
Journal of Sex Research 3.059 6.5 Open Select
The Journal of Experimental Education 2.919 4.1 Open Select
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 2.843 6.6 Open Select

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