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Taylor & Francis教育学领域重点期刊推荐

Studies in Higher Education publishes international research on higher education issues including institutional management and performance, teaching and learning. 

Citation Metrics

Impact Factor
3.7 (2023)
Impact Factor Best Quartile
5 year IF
4.8 (2023)
10.2 (2023)
CiteScore Best Quartile


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Publishes articles on the design and use of interactive learning environments, focusing on knowledge sharing, adaptive systems, pedagogy, and more.

Citation Metrics

Impact Factor
3.7 (2023)
Impact Factor Best Quartile
5 year IF
4.5 (2023)
12.1 (2023)
CiteScore Best Quartile


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Asia Pacific Journal of Education focuses on education policy, curriculum and pedagogy, and the everyday lives and practices of school educators and students.

Citation Metrics

Impact Factor
1.6 (2023)
Impact Factor Best Quartile
5 year IF
2.2 (2023)
4.2 (2023)
CiteScore Best Quartile


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Journal Impact Factor CiteScore Open Access Mode
Educational Psychologist 4.475 14.3 Open Select
Studies In Science Education 3.7 6.3 Open Select
Journal of The Learning Sciences 3.588 9.4 Open Select
Journal of Research On Educational Effectiveness 3.375 5 Open Select
Journal of Education Policy 3.048 6.2 Open Select
Studies in Higher Education 3 5.9 Open Select
Quest 2.844 3.2 Open Select
Critical Studies In Education – Formerly Melbourne Studies In Education 2.791 3.9 Open Select
Sport, Education and Society 2.649 4.5 Open Select
Physical Education & Sport Peadagogy 2.618 4.7 Open Select
Learning, Media & Technology 2.547 4.9 Open Select
Theory & Research in Social Education 2.531 4.2 Open Select
Cognition and Instruction 2.516 4.8 Open Select
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 2.345 3.5 Open Select
Assessment & Evaluation In Higher Education 2.32 4.8 Open Select
School Psychology Review Journal 2.3 3.2 Open Select
Environmental Education Research 2.266 4.1 Open Select
Assessment In Education: Principles 2.265 4.6 Open Select
European Journal of Teacher Education 2.25 3.6 Open Select
Comparative Education 2.204 4.4 Open Select
Teaching In Higher Education 2.136 3.7 Open Select
Higher Education Research & Development 2.129 3.7 Open Select
The Journal of Experimental Education 2.107 4.1 Open Select
The Journal of Environmental Education 2.103 4 Open Select
Research Papers In Education 2.062 2.9 Open Select
Educational Review 2.042 2.9 Open Select
Interactive Learning Environments 1.938 4.9 Open Select
Disability & Society 1.852 2.3 Open Select
Race Ethnicity and Education 1.807 3.3 Open Select
British Journal of Sociology of Education 1.782 3.7 Open Select
Discourse: Studies In The Cultural 1.729 4 Open Select
The Journal of Higher Education 1.708 4.1 Open Select
Distance Education 1.702 3.1 Open Select
Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education 1.607 3 Open Select
British Journal of Educational Studies 1.604 4.2 Open Select
Educational Psychology 1.586 4.1 Open Select
Journal of Research on Technology in Education 1.585 4.5 Open Select
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 1.552 2.7 Open Select
Professional Development In Education 1.531 2.8 Open Select
International Journal of Science Education 1.485 2.8 Open Select
Journal of Curriculum Studies 1.484 2.9 Open Select
Journal of Education For Teaching 1.483 2.8 Open Select
Gender and Education 1.482 2.2 Open Select
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 1.481 3.1 Open Select
Sex Education 1.48 3.2 Open Select
Educational Research 1.472 2.4 Open Select
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 1.436 1.7 Open Select
Theory Into Practice 1.432 2.3 Open Select
Cambridge Journal of Education 1.421 3 Open Select
Oxford Review of Education 1.421 2.7 Open Select
The Journal of Educational Research 1.4 2.4 Open Select
International Journal For Academic Development 1.393 2.7 Open Select
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 1.367 3.3 Open Select
International Journal of Inclusive Education 1.363 2.3 Open Select
Journal of Moral Education 1.328 2.2 Open Select
British Journal of Religious Education 1.306 1.7 Open Select
Creativity Research Journal 1.289 2.7 Open Select
European Journal of Special Needs Education 1.184 2.3 Open Select
Studies In Continuing Education 1.159 2.1 Open Select
The Journal of Economic Education 1.157 1.6 Open Select
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 1.131 2.2 Open Select
Research In Science & Technological Education 1.111 2 Open Select
Curriculum Inquiry 1.111 1.8 Open Select
Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation 1.108 2.4 Open Select
Mathematical Thinking and Learning 1.074 2.6 Open Select
Applied Measurement In Education 1.04 2.7 Open Select
Innovations In Education & Teaching International 0.993 2.6 Open Select
Mind, Culture and Activity 0.98 2.4 Open Select
Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management 0.939 2.5 Open Select
Educational Studies 0.814 1.9 Open Select
Educational Philosophy and Theory 0.773 1.5 Open Select
Journal of Biological Education 0.764 1.6 Open Select
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 0.733 2.1 Open Select
International Journal of Disability, Development & Education 0.691 1.5 Open Select
Music Education Research 0.688 1.3 Open Select
Educational Gerontology 0.621 1.4 Open Select
Irish Educational Studies 0.554 1 Open Select
Paedagogica Historica 0.526 0.7 Open Select
Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studie 0.492 1 Open Select
History of Education 0.452 0.9 Open Select
Research In Drama Education 0.294 0.5 Open Select

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